S.N. Title Deadline

Terms of Reference (ToR) for Start and Improve Your Business (SYIB) Training

Strengthening Community Resilience (SCR) Project

Submission of Proposal and budget

Interested applicants should submit their technical proposal including letter of interest, profiles/relevant experiences, CVs and financial proposal including consultancy fee and relevant costs by 15th May 2023 (before 5 pm) in the following email address-recruitmentjjycbara@gmail.com with the subject line Trainer for SIYB Training.

JJYC reserves the right to fully or partially cancel the bid and is not bound to any legal claim in this regard.

Terms of Reference (ToR) for Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR ) and Climate change Adaptation (CCA) Training

Strengthening Community Resilience (SCR) Project

Submission of Proposal and budget

Interested applicants should submit their technical proposal including letter of interest, profiles/relevant experiences, CVs and financial proposal including consultancy fee and relevant costs by 12th May 2023 (before 5 pm) in the following email address-recruitmentjjycbara@gmail.com with the subject line Training for DRR/CCA.

Terms of Reference For Motor and Kinesthetic Skills Development Training to ECED Facilitators at working schools of ACTIVE/SAHAYATRA Project

20th June 2023

शिलबन्दी दरभाउपेश गर्नेसम्बन्धमा 

बुझाउने स्थान

जन जागरण युवा क्लबको कार्यालय कलैया मोतिवाग बारा

सर्म्पक नं ०५३ ५५१५१३, ५९०५१३


अन्तिम म्याद २०८०।११।२४  बेलुकि ५ बजे सम्म

सहयात्रा परियोजना अन्तर्गत भिडियो सामाग्री निर्माणका लागि सुचना

७. आवेदन बुझाउने अन्तिम मिति

प्रकाशित मितिः  २ अप्रिल २०२४

बुझाउने अन्तिम मितिः ९ अप्रिल २०२४